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#4 - Identifying Our Micro-Voices (part 2)

Updated: Oct 29, 2022

#Sorting out our complicated emotions and energies can be challenging, but rewarding

Our micro-voices are sly entities. They can be difficult to recognize and list. Each one has developed its own mission to keep us functioning as painlessly as they know how to help us be. Since they were mostly formed during our childhood years their understanding of how to protect our Inner Child tends to be limited to more child-based responses. Once established these micro-voice techniques will not be relinquished even into old age unless they are intentionally shown how to develop more mature methods for dealing with life experiences.

No matter our age we can get back to our earliest emotional energetic responses to difficulties and traumas by slowly revealing the individual micro-voices we created for our survival. They can become very protective about the methods they have grown comfortable using. After decades of responding, in what seems inappropriate behaviors now, a micro-voice still reverts to those useful childhood skills that worked early in life.

The critic tends to be well-established in nearly all of us and uses every manipulative tool it knows to maintain its ‘rightness,’ even to the extent of marshaling other micro-voices to help it protect its domain. It is important to not follow any voice that decides who is on and who is off the list of voices. We will have voices criticizing each other and mini turf battles will appear. That’s okay, just write down those you can recognize through the noise of protests, or the agony from revisiting traumas, or the silence very timid voices need to speak through.

This is a good time to introduce the aware self. This is the non-judgmental, deep-within voice we all have that tends to be our guiding force. This is the voice we want to use to begin searching for our micro-voices. Some see this as the voice from God, or from our soul, or from the universe. It is the key to unlocking the traumatic energies we hold on to and the avenue for discovering how to love ourselves.

Micro-voices do not want to carry the pain of past traumas and some are open to being healed making it possible to ask our aware self for help in identifying who our micro-voices are. Depending upon how deeply our difficult emotional energies are buried within us will determine how easily it is to begin uncovering their identities. It may take some time to begin getting response, or there could be immediate feedback. Some of us have spent decades burying these emotions and retrieval can take time. For others of us who have not lived with extreme traumas there can be a flood of feedback about who our micro-voices are. Some may be bursting with need to unburden their stories.

Our aware self won’t let us go any faster than we can handle, it too, wants us to survive and fulfill our purpose. Relying on other people to set our reveal-process pace can have unwanted results if they push us faster than we are ready to move. We need to learn to trust our own aware self, but also listen to other ideas, read anything that can help develop greater awareness, and be attentive to our needs. Professional therapists are skilled at slowly bringing to the surface the emotional energies our micro-voices are holding on to at a safe pace.

In the next chapter we will discuss some techniques for unlocking the hidden energies we may be struggling to discover. There are dozens of little things we can do to super-charge the healing process that reveal who our micro-voices are and how they interact with each other. - kc


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This blog has been a work of love developed over the past ten years and finally brought to life through the dedicated tech help by Soren, who was originally my physical therapist and now is a time-limited partner who managers two other martial arts training centers. Being an old gay guy I struggle to function well in the blog-a-sphere so this presentation will be a bit rough at first. Feel free to lend your ideas.


Since my teen years I have believed that through appropriate touch we can heal ourselves. But the journey to better understand my own dynamics and gain enough awareness to be able to write about our complex humanness only coalesced after I had an opportunity to be in prison. There I had time to do deep self-examinations about why I was who I am and how I could translate that into helping others make discoveries for themselves. I do not claim to be a professional therapist or counselor.


But I do believe there are others in this world who might benefit from these ideas presented in this blog platform. Having grown to the point of releasing nearly all of my fears and can now truly say that I love every moment and feel in partnership with my soul, I feel that others may benefit from my travels. Being non-judgmental I welcome your insights, whatever they may be, and I will strive to help everyone find greater peace in their lives. and Hoshow, LLC.


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